Behistun Inscription

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Behistun Inscription

Full translation below

There has been an estimated half a million to two million cuniform tablets excavated in modern times. Only about 30,000-100,000 have been deciphered. The British Museum has the largest collection with 130,000 tablets. Most of the tablets in various collections have Not been deciphered or translated and there are only a few hundred qualified conformists in the world.

L. W. King; R. C. Thompson

The Sumerian language has no known relation to any other language. Its decipherment was helped a great deal by the existence of a large word lists comparing the same words from various languages that were made by ancient Mesopotamian scribes, who would travel hundreds of miles to attend conferences with other scribes to produce these lists.

All the great Mesopotamian civilizations used cuneiform until it was abandoned in favor of the alphabetic script at some point after 100 BC. By the second century A.D. cuneiform had become extinct and all knowledge of how to read it was forgotten.

In the 17th century, western travelers to Persia told about the Old Persian inscriptions they saw. Engelbert Kämpfer put a name to this unknown script calling it Cuneiform, a word meaning wedge-shaped.

In the 18th century many new inscriptions were discovered and reliable copies were made by a man named Carsten Niebuhr. Many people had tried to decipher the texts since its discovery. One of the most important of these was the German school teacher George Grotentend. In 1802, he noticed a recurring pattern and correctly deciphered the words for kings. It wasn’t until about 45 years later (1846) that Niels Louis Westergaard’s and Edward Hincks had major breakthroughs. But only a small amount of the text could be understood.

The next significant leap in the deciphering of Mesopotamian cuneiform came from work on the Behistun Inscriptions in Persia. Carved in the reign of King Darius of Persia (522–486 BC), The inscription is approximately 49 feet (15 m) high by 82 feet (25 m) wide, and 328 feet (100 m) up a limestone cliff. This document was most crucial in the deciphering of a previously lost script. It contains three versions of the same text, written in three different cuneiform script languages: Old Persian, Assyrian and Elamite.

The Behistun inscription is to cuneiform what the Rosetta Stone is to Egyptian hieroglyphs.

In 1835 despite its inaccessibility, Sir Henry Rawlinson was able to scale the cliff and copy the Old Persian inscription. The first section of the copied text contained a list of Persian kings identical to that found in Herodotus, and by matching the names and the characters, Rawlinson was able to decipher the Old Persian script by 1838.

Some examples of 20 reliefs on the Black Obelisk” by ali eminov is licensed under CC BY-NC 2.0

Then in 1850 Henry Rawlinson translated the Black Oblelisk, a black limestone obelisk inscribed with the military conquests of Shalmaneser lll (858-824 BC). Edward Hincks published his translation of the same text in 1851.

By 1851, Hincks and Rawlinson could read 200 Babylonian signs. They were soon joined by two other decipherers, scholar Julius Oppert, and William Henry Fox Talbot. In 1857, the four men met in London and took part in a famous experiment to test the accuracy of their deciphering. The translations produced by the four scholars were found to be in close agreement with one another. But Hincks’ and Rawlinson’s versions corresponded remarkably closely in many respects. The jury declared itself satisfied with the results that the texts were deciphered correctly.

There have been many others that deciphered and translated cuneiform and the ancient languages lost for thousands of years. Zecharia Sitchin was not the first.


Column 1

[1.1] I (am) Darius, the great king, the king of kings, the king in Persia, the king of countries, the son of Hystaspes, the grandson of Arsames, the Achaemenide.

[1.2] Says Darius the king: My father (is) Hystaspes, the father of Hystaspes (is) Arsames, the father of Arsames (is) Ariaramnes, the father of Ariaramnes (is Teispes), the father of Teispes (is) Achaemenes.

[1.3] Says Darius the king: Therefore we are called the Achaemenides; from long ago we have extended; from long ago our family have been kings.

[1.4] Says Darius the king: 8 of my family (there were) who were formerly kings; I am the ninth (9); long aforetime we were (lit. are) kings.

[1.5] Says Darius the king: By the grace of Auramazda I am king; Auramazda gave me the kingdom.

[1.6] Says Darius the king: These are the countries which came to me; by the grace of Auramazda I became king of them; Persia, Susiana, Babylonia, Assyria, Arabia, Egypt, the (lands) which are on the sea, Sparda, Ionia, [Media], Armenia, Cappadocia, Parthia, Drangiana, Aria, Chorasmia, Bactria, Sogdiana, Ga(n)dara, Scythia, Sattagydia, Arachosia, Maka; in all (there are) 23 countries.

[1.7] Says Darius the king: These (are) the countries which came to me; by the grace of Auramazda they became subject to me; they bore tribute to me; what was commanded to them by me this was done night and (lit. or) day.

[1.8] Says Darius the king: Within these countries what man was watchful, him who should be well esteemed I esteemed; who was an enemy, him who should be well punished I punished; by the grace of Auramazda these countries respected my laws; as it was commanded by me to them, so it was done.

[1.9] Says Darius the king: Auramazda gave me this kingdom; Auramazda bore me aid until I obtained this kingdom; by the grace of Auramazda I hold this kingdom.

[1.10] Says Darius the king: This (is) what (was) done by me after that I became king; Cambyses by name, the son of Cyrus (was) of our family; he was king here; of this Cambyses there was a brother Bardiya (i. e. Smerdis) by name possessing a common mother and the same father with Cambyses; afterwards Cambyses slew that Bardiya; when Cambyses slew Bardiya, it was not known to the people that Bardiya was slain; afterwards Cambyses went to Egypt; when Cambyses went to Egypt, after that the people became hostile; after that there was Deceit to a great extent in the provinces, both in Persia and in Media and in the other provinces.

[1.11] Says Darius the king: Afterwards there was one man, a Magian, Gaumata by name; he rose up from Paishiyauvada; there (is) a mountain Arakadrish by name; from there – 14 days in the month Viyakhna were in course when he rose up; he thus deceived the people; I am Bardiya the son of Cyrus brother of Cambyses; afterwards all the people became estranged from Cambyses (and) went over to him, both Persia and Media and the other provinces; he seized the kingdom; 9 days in the month Garmapada were in course – he thus seized the kingdom; afterwards Cambyses died by a self-imposed death.

[1.12] Says Darius the king: This kingdom which Gaumata the Magian took from Cambyses, this kingdom from long ago was (the possession) of our family; afterwards Gaumata the Magian took from Cambyses both Persia and Media and the other provinces; he seized (the power) and made it his own possession; he became king.

[1.13] Says Darius the king: There was not a man neither a Persian nor a Median nor any one of our family who could make Gaumata the Magian deprived of the kingdom; the people feared his tyranny; (they feared) he would slay the many who knew Bardiya formerly; for this reason he would slay the people; “that they might not know me that I am not Bardiya the son of Cyrus;” any one did not dare to say anything against Gaumata the Magian until I came; afterwards I asked Auramazda for help; Auramazda bore me aid; 10 days in the month Bagayadish were in course I thus with few men slew that Gaumata the Magian and what men were his foremost allies; there (is) a stronghold Sikayauvatish by name; there is a province in Media, Nisaya by name; here I smote him; I took the kingdom from him; by the grace of Auramazda I became king; Auramazda gave me the kingdom.

[1.14] Says Darius the king: The kingdom which was taken away from our family, this I put in (its) place; I established it on (its) foundation; as (it was) formerly so I made it; the sanctuaries which Gaumata the Magian destroyed I restored; for the people the revenue(?) and the personal property and the estates and the royal residences which Gaumata the Magian took from them (I restored); I established the state on (its) foundation, both Persia and Media and the other provinces; as (it was) formerly, so I brought back what (had been) taken away; by the grace of Auramazda this I did; I labored that our royal house I might establish in (its) place; as (it was) formerly, so (I made it); I labored by the grace of Auramazda that Gaumata the Magian might not take away our royal house.

[1.15] Says Darius the king: This (is) what I did, after that I became king.

[1.16] Says Darius the king: When I slew Gaumata the Magian, afterwards there (was) one man Atrina by name, the son of Upadara(n)ma; he rose up in Susiana; thus he said to the people; I am king in Susiana; afterwards the people of Susiana became rebellious (and) went over to that Atrina; he became king in Susiana; and there (was) one man a Babylonian Nidintu-Bel by name, the son of Aniri’, he rose up in Babylon; thus he deceived the people; I am Nebuchadrezzar the son of Nabu-na’id; afterwards the whole of the Babylonian state went over to that Nidintu-Bel; Babylon became rebellious; the kingdom in Babylon he seized.

[1.17] Says Darius the king: Afterwards I sent forth (my army) to Susiana; this Atrina was led to me bound; I slew him.

[1.18] Says Darius the king: Afterwards I went to Babylon against that Nidintu-Bel who called himself Nebuchadrezzar; the army of Nidintu-Bel held the Tigris; there he halted and thereby was a flotilla; afterwards I placed my army on floats of skins; one part I set on camels, for the other I brought horses; Auramazda bore me aid; by the grace of Auramazda we crossed the Tigris; there the army of Nidintu-Bel I smote utterly; 26 days in the month Atriyadiya were in course – we thus engaged in battle.

[1.19] Says Darius the king: Afterwards I went to Babylon; when I had not reached Babylon – there (is) a town Zazana by name along the Euphrates – there this Nidintu-Bel who called himself Nebuchadrezzar went with his army against me to engage in battle; afterwards we engaged in battle; Auramazda bore me aid; by the grace of Auramazda the army of Nidintu-Bel I smote utterly; the enemy were driven into the water; the water bore them away; 2 days in the month Anamaka were in course – we thus engaged in battle.

Column 2

[2.1] Says Darius the king: Afterwards Nidintu-Bel with (his) few horsemen went to Babylon; afterwards I went to Babylon; by the grace of Auramazda I both seized Babylon and seized that Nidintu-Bel; afterwards I slew that Nidintu-Bel at Babylon.

[2.2] Says Darius the king: While I was in Babylon, these (are) the provinces which became estranged from me, Persia, Susiana, Media, Assyria [Egypt], Parthia, Margiana, Sattagydia, Scythia.

[2.3] Says Darius the king: There (was) one man Martiya by name, the son of Cicikhrish – there (is) a town in Persia Kuganaka by name – here he dwelt; he rose up in Susiana; thus he said to the people; I am Imanish king in Susiana.

[2.4] Says Darius the king: Then I was on the march to Susiana; afterwards the Susians [feared] me; they seized that Martiya who was chief of them and slew him.

[2.5] Says Darius the king: One man Phraortes [by name, a Mede], he rose up in Media; thus he said to the people; [I am Khshathrita] of the family of Cyaxares; afterwards the Median people which [were in the palace] became estranged from me (and) went over to that Phraortes; he became [king] in Media.

[2.6] Says Darius the king: The Persian and the Median army, which was by me, it was small; afterwards I sent forth an army; Hydarnes by name, a Persian, my subject, him I made chief of them; thus I said to them; go, smite that Median army which does not call itself mine; afterwards this Hydarnes with the army went away; when he came to Media – there (is) a town in Media Marush by name – here he engaged in battle with the Medes; he who was the chief among the Medes did not there [withstand]; Auramazda bore me aid; by the grace of Auramazda my army smote that rebellious army utterly; 27 days in the month Anamaka were in course – the battle (was) thus fought by them; afterwards my army – there (is) a region Ka(m)pada by name – there awaited me until I went to Media.

[2.7] Says Darius the king: Dadarshish by name, an Armenian, my subject, him I sent forth to Armenia; thus I said to him; go, the rebellious army which does not call itself mine, smite it; afterwards Dadarshish went away; when he came to Armenia, afterwards the rebels came together (and) went against Dadarshish to engage in battle; there is a village [Zuzza] by name in Armenia – here they engaged in battle; Auramazda bore me aid; by the grace of Auramazda my army smote that rebellious army utterly; 8 days in the month Thuravahara were in course – thus the battle (was) fought by them.

[2.8] Says Darius the king: A second time the rebels came together (and) went against Dadarshish to engage in battle; there (is) a stronghold, Tigra by name, in Armenia – here they engaged in battle; Auramazda bore me aid; by the grace of Auramazda, my army smote that rebellious army utterly; 18 days in the month Thuravahara were in course – the battle (was) thus fought by them.

[2.9] Says Darius the king: A third time the rebels came together (and) went against Dadarshish to engage in battle; there (is) a stronghold, U[yam]a by name, in Armenia – here they engaged in battle; Auramazda bore me aid; by the grace of Auramazda my army smote that rebellious army utterly; 9 days in the month Thaigarcish were in course – thus the battle (was) fought by them; afterwards Dadarshish awaited me in Armenia until I came to Media.

[2.10] Says Darius the king: Afterwards Vaumisa by name, a Persian, my subject, him I sent forth to Armenia; thus I said to him; go, the rebellious army which does not call itself mine, smite it; afterwards Vaumisa went away; when he came to Armenia, afterwards the rebels came together (and) went against Vaumisa to engage in battle; there (is) a region I[zar]a by name, in Assyria – here they engaged in battle; Auramazda bore me aid; by the grace of Auramazda my army smote that rebellious army utterly; 15 days in the month Anamaka were in course – thus the battle (was) fought by them.

[2.11] Says Darius the king: A second time the rebels came together (and) went against Vaumisa to engage in battle; there (is) a region Autiyara by name in Armenia – here they engaged in battle; Auramazda bore me aid; by the grace of Auramazda my army smote that rebellious army utterly; at the end of the month Thuravahara – thus the battle (was) fought by them; afterwards Vaumisa awaited me in Armenia until I came to Media.

[2.12] Says Darius the king: Afterwards I went from Babylon; I went away to Media; when I went to Media – there (is) a town Ku(n)durush by name in Media – here this Phraortes who called himself king in Media went with (his) army against me to engage in battle; afterwards we engaged in battle; Auramazda bore me aid; by the grace of Auramazda I smote the army of Phraortes utterly; 25 days in the month Adukanisha were in course – we thus engaged in battle.

[2.13] Says Darius the king: Afterwards this Phraortes with a few horsemen fled; there is a region Raga by name in Media – along there he went; afterwards I sent forth my army in pursuit; Phraortes was seized (and) led to me; I cut off (his) nose and ears and tongue, and I put out his eyes; he was held bound at my court; all the people saw him; afterwards I put him on a cross at Ecbatana, and what men were his foremost allies, these I threw within a prison at Ecbatana.

[2.14] Says Darius the king: One man, Citra(n)takhma by name, a Sagartian, he became rebellious to me; thus he said to the people; I am king in Sagartia, of the family of Cyaxares; afterwards I sent forth the Persian and the Median army; Takhmaspada by name, a Mede, my subject, him I made chief of them, thus I said to them; go, the rebellious army, which does not call itself mine, smite it; afterwards Takhmaspada went away with the army (and) engaged in battle with Citra(n)takhma; Auramazda bore me aid; by the grace of Auramazda my army smote that rebellious army utterly and seized Citra(n)takhma (and) brought (him) to me; afterwards I cut of his nose and ears, and put out his eyes; he was held bound at my court; all the people saw him; afterwards I put him on a cross in Arbela.

[2.15] Says Darius the king: This (is) what (was) done by me in Media.

[2.16] Says Darius the king: Parthia and Hyrcania became rebellious to me and declared allegiance to Phraortes; my father Hystaspes, he was [in Parthia]; the people abandoned him (and) became rebellious; afterwards Hystaspes [went with his army] which was loyal; there is a town Vish[pa]uz[a]tish by name [in Parthia] – here he engaged in battle with the Parthians; Auramazda [bore] me [aid]; by the grace of Auramazda Hystaspes smote that rebellious army utterly; [22 days] in the month Viyakhna were in course – thus the battle was fought by them.


Column 3

[3.1] Says Darius the king: Afterwards I sent forth the Persian army to Hystaspes from Raga; when this army came to Hystaspes afterwards Hystaspes took that army (and) went away; there (is) a town Patigrabana by name in Parthia – here he engaged in battle with the rebels; Auramazda bore me aid; by the grace of Auramazda Hystaspes smote that rebellious army utterly; 1 day in the month Garmapada was in course – thus the battle (was) fought by them.

[3.2] Says Darius the king: Afterwards it became my province; this (is) what (was) done by me in Parthia.

[3.3] Says Darius the king: There (is) a region Margiana by name; it became rebellious to me; one man Frada, a Margian, him they made chief; afterwards I sent forth Dadarshish by name, a Persian, my subject, satrap in Bactria against him; thus I said to him; go, smite that army which does not call itself mine; afterwards Dadarshish with the army went away (and) engaged in battle with the Margians; Auramazda bore me aid; by the grace of Auramazda my army smote that rebellious army utterly; 23 days in the month Atriyadiya were in course – thus the battle {was) fought by them.

[3.4] Says Darius the king: Afterwards it became my province; this (is) what (was) done by me in Bactria.

[3.5] Says Darius the king: One man Vahyazdata by name; there (is) a town Tarava by name; there (is) a region Yutiya by name in Persia – here he dwelt; he was the second to rise against me in Persia; thus he said to the people; I am Bardiya the son of Cyrus; afterwards the Persian army which (was) in the palace cast aside their loyalty; they became estranged from me (and) went over to that Vahyazdata; he became king in Persia.

[3.6] Says Darius the king: Afterwards I sent forth the Persian and the Median army which was by me; Artavardiya by name, a Persian, my subject, him I made chief of them; the rest of the Persian army went with me to Media; afterwards Artavardiya with the army went to Persia; when he came to Persia – there (is) a town Rakha by name in Persia – here this Vahyazdata who called himself Bardiya went with (his) army against Artavardiya to engage in battle; afterwards they engaged in battle; Auramazda bore me aid; by the grace of Auramazda my army smote that army of Vahyazdata utterly; 12 days in the month Thuravahara were in course – thus the battle (was) fought by them.

[3.7] Says Darius the king: Afterwards this Vahyazdata with few horsemen fled (and) went to Paishiyauvada; from thence he took an army (and) again went against Artavardiya to engage in battle; there (is) a mountain Parga by name – here they engaged in battle; Auramazda gave me aid; by the grace of Auramazda my army smote that army of Vahyazdata utterly; 5 days in the month Garmapada were in course – thus the battle (was) fought by them and they seized that Vahyazdata and what men were his foremost allies they seized.

[3.8] Says Darius the king: Afterwards – there (is) a town in Persia Uvadaicaya by name – here, that Vahyazdata and what men were his foremost allies, them I put on a cross.

[3.9] Says Darius the king: This (is) what (was) done by me in Persia.

[3.10] Says Darius the king: This Vahyazdata, who called himself Bardiya, he sent forth an army to Arachosia – there (was) Vivana by name, a Persian, my subject, satrap in Arachosia – against him (he sent an army) and one man he made chief of them; thus he said to them; go, smite Vivana and that army which calls itself of Darius the king; afterwards this army, which Vahyazdata sent forth, went against Vivana to engage in battle; there (is) a stronghold Kapishakanish by name – here they engaged in battle; Auramazda bore me aid; by the grace of Auramazda my army smote that rebellious army utterly; 13 days in the month Anamaka were in course – thus the battle (was) fought by them.

[3.11] Says Darius the king: Again the rebels came together (and) went against Vivana to engage in battle; there (is) a region Ga(n)dutava by name – here they engaged in battle; Auramazda bore me aid; by the grace of Auramazda my army smote that rebellious army utterly; 7 days in the month Viyakhna were in course – thus the battle (was) fought by them.

[3.12] Says Darius the king: Afterwards this man, who was chief of that army which Vahyazdata sent against Vivana, he fled with a few horsemen (and) went away – there (is) a stronghold Arshada by name in Arachosia – he went thereby; afterwards Vivana, with an army went in pursuit of them; here he seized him and what men were his foremost allies he slew.

[3.13] Says Darius the king: Afterwards the province became mine; this (is) what (was) done by me in Arachosia.

[3.14] Says Darius the king: When I was in Persia and in Media, a second time the Babylonians became estranged from me; one man, Arakha by name, an Armenian son of Haldita, he rose up in Babylon; there (is) a region, Dubala by name – from here he thus lied to the people; I am Nebuchadrezzar, the son of Nabu-na’id; afterwards the Babylonian people became estranged from me (and) went over to that Arakha; he seized Babylon; he became king in Babylon.

[3.15] Says Darius the king: Afterwards I sent forth my army to Babylon; Intaphernes by name, a Persian, my subject, him I made chief of them; thus I said to them; go, smite that Babylonian army which does not call itself mine; afterwards Intaphernes with an army went to Babylon; Auramazda bore me aid; by the grace of Auramazda, Intaphernes smote the Babylonians; and [he led them bound to me]; 22 days in the month + + + + were in course – that Arakha, who called himself Nebuchadrezzar, and the men who [were his foremost allies they seized and bound]; [this Arakha] and what men were his foremost allies were put on crosses at Babylon.


Column 4

[4.1] Says Darius the king: This (is) what was done by me in Babylon.

[4.2] Says Darius the king: This (is) what I did; by the grace of Auramazda it was (done) in every way; after that I became king, I engaged in 19 battles; by the grace of Auramazda I waged them and I seized 9 kings; there was one, Gaumata by name, a Magian; he lied; thus he said; I am Bardiya the son of Cyrus; he made Persia rebellious; there (was) one, Atrina by name, a Susian; he lied; thus he said; I am king in Susiana; he made Susiana rebellious to me; there (was) one, Nidintu-Bel by name, a Babylonian; he lied; thus he said; I am Nebuchadrezzar the son of Nabu-na’id; he made Babylon rebellious; there (was) one, Martiya by name, a Persian; he lied; thus he said; I am Imanish, king in Susiana; he made Susiana rebellious; there (was) one Phraortes by name, a Mede; he lied; thus he said; I am Khshathrita, of the family of Cyaxares; he made Media rebellious; there (was) one Citra(n)takhma by name, in Sagartia; he lied; thus he said; I am king in Sagartia, of the family of Cyaxares; he made Sagartia rebellious; there (was) one Frada by name, a Margian; he lied; thus he said; I am king in Margiana; he made Margiana rebellious; there (was) one, Vahyazdata by name, a Persian; he lied; thus he said; I am Bardiya the son of Cyrus; he made Persia rebellious; there (was) one, Arakha by name, an Armenian; he lied; thus he said; I am Nebuchadrezzar the son of Nabu-na’id; he made Babylon rebellious.

[4.3] Says Darius the king: These 9 kings I seized within these battles.

[4.4] Says Darius the king: These (are) the provinces which became rebellious; the Lie made them rebellious so that these deceived the people; afterwards Auramazda gave them into my hand; as was my will so [I did] unto them.

[4.5] Says Darius the king: O thou who shalt be king in the future, protect thyself strongly from Deceit; whatever man shall be a deceiver, him who deserves to be punished, punish, if thus thou shalt think “may my country be secure.”

[4.6] Says Darius the king: This (is) what I did; by the grace of Auramazda I did (it) in every way; O thou who shalt examine this inscription in the future, let it convince thee (as to) what (was) done by me; regard it not as lies.

[4.7] Says Darius the king: I appeal to Auramazda that this (is) true (and) not false (which) I did in every way.

[4.8] Says Darius the king: By the grace of Auramazda much else (was) done by me that (is) not written on this inscription; for this reason it (is) not written lest whoever shall examine this inscription in the future, to him what has been done by me should seem too much; and it should not convince him but he should think (it) false.

[4.9] Says Darius the king: Who were the former kings, while they lived, by these nothing (was) thus done as (was) done by me through the grace of Auramazda in every way.

[4.10] Says Darius the king: Now let it convince thee (as to) what (was) done by me; thus + + + + do not conceal this record; if thou shalt not conceal this record (but) tell (it) to the people, may Auramazda be a friend to thee and may there be unto thee a family abundantly and mayest thou live long.

[4.11] Says Darius the king: If thou shalt conceal this record (and) not tell (it) to the people, may Auramazda be a smiter unto thee and may there not be unto thee a family.

[4.12] Says Darius the king: This (is) what I did in every way; by the grace of Auramazda I did (it); Auramazda bore me aid and the other gods which are.

[4.13] Says Darius the king: For this reason Auramazda bore me aid and the other gods which are, because I was not an enemy, I was not a deceiver, I was not a wrong-doer, neither I nor my family; according to rectitude [I ruled] nor made I my power(?) an oppression to [those who praise me]; the man (who) helped my house, him who should be well esteemed, I esteemed; (the man) who would destroy it, him who should deserve punishment, I punished.

[4.14] Says Darius the king: O thou who shalt be king in the future, whatever man shall be a deceiver or a wrong-doer (be) not a friend to these; punish (them) with severe punishment.

[4.15] Says Darius the king: O thou who shalt see this inscription in the future which I have written or these sculptures, thou shalt not destroy (them) as long as thou shalt live; thus thou shalt guard them.

[4.16] Says Darius the king: If thou shalt see this inscription or these sculptures (and) shalt not destroy them and shalt guard them as long as thy family shall be, may Auramazda be a friend to thee and may there be unto thee a family abundantly and mayest thou live long and whatever thou shalt do, this for thee (let) Auramazda make [successful].

[4.17] Says Darius the king: If thou shalt see this inscription or these sculptures (and) shalt destroy; them and shalt not guard them as long as thy family shall be, may Auramazda be a smiter unto thee and may there not be unto thee a family and whatever thou shalt do, this let Auramazda destroy for thee.

[4.18] Says Darius the king: These (are) the men who were there then when I slew Gaumata the Magian, who called himself Bardiya; then these men cooperated as my allies; Intaphernes by name, the son of Vayaspara, a Persian; Otanes by name, the son of Thukhra, a Persian; Gobryas by name, the son of Mardonius, a Persian; Hydarnes by name, the son of Bagabigna, a Persian; Megabyzus by name, the son of Daduhya, a Persian; Ardumanish by name, the son of Vahauka, a Persian.

[4.19] Says Darius the king: O thou who shalt be king in the future, preserve + + + + +

[4.20] Says Darius the king: By the grace of Auramazda this inscription + + + + which I made + + + + + + + + + I have written; this inscription; + + + me afterwards the inscription + + + + + within the provinces + + + + + + + + +


Column 5

[5.l] Says Darius the king: This (is) what I did + + + [when I became] king; (there is) a province Susiana [by name]; this became estranged from me; [one man] + + + mamita by name, a Susian, him they made chief; afterwards I sent forth (my) army to Susiana; [one man] Gobryas by name, [a Persian] my subject, [him] I made chief [of them]; afterwards this Gobryas with an army went to Susiana; he engaged in [battle] with the Susians; afterwards Gobryas smote + + + and annihilated them(?) and seized [that + + + mamita] their chief and brought him to me and I slew him; afterwards the province [became mine].

[5.2] Says Darius the king: Then the Susians [feared] and Auramazda gave them [into my hand]; I offered thanks; by the grace of Auramazda, as was my will, thus I did unto them.

[5.3] Says Darius the king: Whoever shall worship Auramazda, as long as [his family] shall be, and life + + + + + +

[5.4] Says Darius the king: With (my) army I went to Scythia; unto Scythia + + + + the Tigris + + + + + + + + + + unto the sea + + + I crossed in rafts(?); the Scythians I smote; one part I seized [and they were brought] bound to me and [I slew] them; + + + Sku(n)kha by name, him I seized + + + + there another I made chief + + + there was + + + by name; afterwards the province became mine.

[5.5] Says Darius the king: + + + + + not Auramazda + + + + by the grace of Auramazda, as was my [will, thus] I did unto them.

[5.6] Says Darius the king: Unto Auramazda he shall give worship + + + + +


The Smaller Inscriptions of Behistan

[A] Over the figure of Darius.

I (am) Darius, the great king, king of kings, king in Persia, king of the countries, the son of Hystaspes, the grandson of Arsames, the Achaemenide. Says Darius the king: My father (is) Hystaspes, the father of Hystaspes (is) Arsames, the father of Arsames (is) Ariaramnes, the father of Ariaramnes (is) Teispes, the father of Teispes (is) Achaemenes. Says Darius the king: Therefore we are called Achaemenides; from long ago we have extended; from long ago our family have been kings. Says Darius the king: 8 of my family (there were) who were formerly kings; I am the ninth (9); long aforetime we are kings.

[B] Under the prostrate form.

This Gaumata the Magian lied; thus he said: I am Bardiya, the son of Cyrus; I am king.

[C] Over the first standing figure.

This Atrina lied; thus he said: I am king in Susiana.

[D] Over the second standing figure.

This Nidintu-Bel lied; thus he said: I am Nebuchadrezzar, the son of Nabu-na’id; I am king in Babylon.

[E] Upon the garment of the third standing figure.

This Phraortes lied; thus he said: I am Khshathrita of the family of Cyaxares; I am king in Media.

[F] Over the fourth standing figure.

This Martiya lied; thus he said: I am Imanish, king in Susiana.

[G] Over the fifth standing figure.

This Citra(n)takhma lied; thus he said: I am king in Sagartia, of the family of Cyaxares.

[H] Over the sixth standing figure.

This Vahyazdata lied; thus he said: I am Bardiya, the son of Cyrus; I am king.

[I] Over the seventh standing figure.

This Arakha lied; thus he said: I am Nebuchadrezzar, the son of Nabu-na’id; I am king in Babylon.

[J] Over the eighth standing figure.

This Frada lied; thus he said; I am king in Margiana.

[K] Over the ninth standing figure.

This (is) Sku(n)kha, the Scythian.


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