Origin/Historian/Author: Babylonian
Source: The Sacred Books and Literature of the East, By Prof. Charles F. Horne, Ph.D.
The Sacred Books and Literature of the East Translations conducted by:
Morris Jastrow, Jr., LL.D., Rev. A.H. Sayce, LL.D., Robert W. Rogers, LL.D., George A. Barton, LL.D., Leonard W. King, F.S.A., Stephen Langdon, PH.D., Arno Poebel, PH.D., and other scholars.

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. . . O goddess . . .
Who causeth her word to be obeyed, who establisheth . . .!
Who appeaseth the anger of God and . . .!
Who heareth prayer and supplication!
5 Who accepteth petition and sighing! . . .

[Lines 6 and 7 are broken.]

O seed of Ezida, the house of the living creature of the great gods!
Queen of Borsippa, lady of the dwelling!
10 O lady Tasmitu, whose command is mighty!

[The next few lines are broken. After stating (line 14) that he is crying before the goddess, the suppliant describes her merciful character, as the giver of peace and prosperity. At line 20 he once more addresses her by name and proceeds to make his request.]

20 O Tasmitu, goddess of supplication and. love, lady of . . .!
I [so and so, the son of so and so], whose god is [so and so], whose goddess is [so and so],
have turned toward thee, O lady! Harken to my supplication!
Before Nabu thy spouse, the lord, the prince, the firstborn son
Of Esagila, intercede for
25 May he barken to my cry at the word of thy mouth!
May he remove my sighing, may he. learn my supplication!

At his mighty word may god and goddess deal graciously with me!
May the sickness of my body be torn away!
May the groaning of my flesh be consumed!
30 May the consumption of my muscles be removed!
. . . sorcery, poison, . . .
May the ban be torn away, may the … be consumed
May . . .
May mercy be established among men and their habitations!
35 May god and king ordain favor
At thy mighty command that is not altered, and thy true mercy,
O lady Tasmitu.(14)


(14) Of the two ceremonial sections a few phrases only have been preserved. The first prescribes that the sprinkling of pure water and the offering of incense of harm-wood, shall accompany the recital of the incantation, while the second apparently deals, among other matters, with the rite of the knotted cord.