Ancient Near East
W. G. Lambert, Babylonian Creation Myths, Eisenbrauns, (2013)
W. G. Lambert, Babylonian Wisdom Literature, Eisenbrauns, (1996)
Wayne Horowitz, Mesopotamian Cosmic Geography, Eisenbrauns, (2011)
Samuel Noah Kramer, The Sumerians, University of Chicago Press, (1963)
Samuel Noah Kramer, Sumerian Mythology, University of Pennsylvania Press, (1972)
George Smith, The Chaldean Account of Genesis, Wizards BookShelf, (1977)
Martti Nissinen, Prophets and Prophecy in the Ancient Near East, Brill Publishing (2003)
Jean-Jacques Glassner, Mesopotamian Chronicles, Society of Biblical Literature, (2004)
Yoram Cohen, Wisdom From the Late Bronze Age, Society of Biblical Literature, (2013)
Piotr Michalowski, Letters from Early Mesopotamia, Society of Biblical Literature, (1993)
Donald A Mckenzie, Myths of Babylonia and Assyria, Gresham Publishing Company, (1915)
Morris Jastrow, The Religion of Babylon and Assyria, Ginn & Company, (1898)
Stephanie Dalley, Myths from Mesopotamia, Oxford University Press, (2000)
Thorkild Jacobsen, The Sumerian King List, University of Chicago Press, (1973)
Herman Vanstiphout, Epics of Sumerian Kings – The Matter of Aratta, Society of Biblical Literature, (2003)
Claus Wilcke, Enmerkar and Ensuhkeshana, American Oriental Society, (2012)
Andrew George, The Epic of Gilgamesh, Penguin Books Ltd., (1999)
Robert William Rogers, Cuneiform Parallels to the Old Testament, Oxford University Press (1912)
Henry William Frederick Saggs, The Babylonians, Macmillan Publishers Ltd., (2000)
Austin Henry Layard, Discoveries Among the Ruins of Nineveh and Babylon, Folio Society, (2011)
Edward Chiera, Old Babylonian Contracts, University Museum, (1922)
A. Leo Oppenheim, Letters From Mesopotamia, University of Chicago Press, (1967)
David B Weisberg, Neo-Babylonian Texts in the Oriental Institute Collection, University of Chicago, (2003)
Robert D. Biggs, Inscriptions From Tell Abu Salabikh, University of Chicago Press, (1974)
Richard L. Litke, A Reconstruction of the Assyro-Babylonian God-Lists – An Anum and An Anu Sa Ameli, Yale Babylonian Collection, (1998)
Stanley Mayer Burstein, The Babyloniaca of Berossus, Undena Publication, (1978)
Charles F Horne, Sacred Books and Early Literature of the East – Babylonia & Assyria, Parke, Austin, & Lipscombe Inc, (1917)
Charles F Horne, Sacred Books and Early Literature of the East – Ancient Persia, Parke, Austin, & Lipscombe Inc, (1917)
John Manuel Cook, The Persians, The Orion Publishing Group Ltd, London, (2000)
Mulla Firuz Bin Kaus, The Desatir or Sacred Writings of the Ancient Persian Prophets, Courier Press (1818)
Glenn E Markoe, The Phoenicians, The British Museum Press, (2005)
Dennis Pardee, Ritual and Cult at Ugarit, Brill Publishing, (2002)
Simon B Parker, Ugaritic Narrative Poetry, Society of Biblical Literature, (1997)
Marvin H. Pope, El in the Ugaritic Texts, Brill Publishing, (1955)
M. Noth, D. Winton Thomas, Wisdom in Israel and in the Ancient Near East, Brill Publishing, (1955)
John Gray, The Legacy of Canaan – The Ras Shamra Texts and Their Relevance to the Old Testament, Brill Publishing, (1965)
William Wright, Empire of the Hittites, Society of Biblical Literature, (1886)
Gregory McMahon, The Hittite State Cult of the Tutelary Deities, Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago, (1991)
Oliver Robert Gurney, The Hittites, Penguin Books Ltd., (2000)
Harry A Hoffner, Jr., Hittite Myths, Society of Biblical Literature, (1998)
Itamar Singer, Hittite Prayers, Brill Publishing, (2002)
HJ Houwink Ten Cate, The Luwian Population Groups of Lycia and Cilicia Aspera During the Hellenistic Period, Brill Publishing, (1965)
Annick Payne, Iron Age Hieroglyphic Luwian Inscriptions, Society of Biblical Literature, (2012)
EA Wallis Budge, Egyptian Literature, Colonial Press, (1901)
Charles F Horne, Sacred Books and Early Literature of the East – Egypt, Parke, Austin, & Lipscombe Inc, (1917)
Alexander Piankoff, Egyptian Religious Texts and Representations Vol I, Bollingen Foundation., (1954)
Alexander Piankoff, Egyptian Religious Texts and Representations Vol II, Bollingen Foundation., (1955)
Alexander Piankoff, Egyptian Religious Texts and Representations Vol III, Bollingen Foundation., (1957)
Alexander Piankoff, Egyptian Religious Texts and Representations Vol IV, Bollingen Foundation., (1964)
Alexander Piankoff, Egyptian Religious Texts and Representations Vol V, Bollingen Foundation., (1968)
Alexander Piankoff, Egyptian Religious Texts and Representations Vol VI, Bollingen Foundation., (1972)
RO Faulkner, The Ancient Egyptian Coffin Texts Vol I, Aris & Phillips Ltd., (1973)
RO Faulkner, The Ancient Egyptian Coffin Texts Vol II, Aris & Phillips Ltd., (1977)
RO Faulkner, The Ancient Egyptian Coffin Texts Vol III, Aris & Phillips Ltd., (1978)
Alan Gardiner, The Egyptians, Folio Society, (2000)
Welsby & Phillipson, Empires of the Nile, Folio Society, (2008)
Robert Sole, Dominique Valbelle, and WV Davies, The Rosetta Stone, Folio Society, (2006)
Early Abrahamic
Geza Vermes, The Dead Sea Scrolls, Penguin Books Ltd, (2004)
The Holy Bible RSV with Apocrypha, Ignatius Press, (2001)
Apocrypha, Edmundsbury Press (2007)
Richard Laurence, The Book of Enoch The Prophet, Wizards BookShelf, (1973)
Nurho de Manhar, John Drais, Zohar Bereshith – Genesis, Wizards BookShelf, (1978)
Charles F Horne, Sacred Books and Early Literature of the East – The Great Rejected Books, Parke, Austin, & Lipscombe Inc, (1917)
Later Abrahamic, Gnostic, and Hermetic
GRS Mead, Pistis Sophia – Challenge to Early Christianity, University Books, (1974)
Marvin Meyer, Nag Hammadi Scriptures, Harper Collins Publishing, (2007)
Dr. John Everard, The Divine Pymander, Wizards BookShelf, (1985)
Dr. Anna Kingsford, Edward Maitland, The Virgin of the World, Wizards BookShelf, (1987)
Isaac Myer, Qabbalah – The Philosophical Writings of Solomon Ben Yehudah Ibn Gebirol or Avicebron, Wizards BookShelf, (1988)
Charles William King, Gnostics and Their Remains, Wizards Bookshelf, (1973)
Dorje Jinpa, The Book of Hermes, Pentarba Publications, (2018)
General Texts
Isaac Preston Cory, Ancient Fragments, Wizards BookShelf, (1975)
WG Waddell, Manetho, Harvard University Press, (1964)
Gods and Goddesses Reference
Michael Jordan, Encyclopedia of The Gods, Facts on File (1993)
Gustav Davidson, A Dictionary of Angels Including the Fallen Angels, Free Press (1971)
Maximilien de Lafayette, Encyclopedia of Gods and Goddesses of Mesopotamia, Phoenicia, Ugarit, Canaan, Carthage, and The Ancient Middle East, Times Square Press New York, (2015)