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Pahlavi texts – Part 5, by West, Edward William (1880).pdf
Patesis of the Ur dynasty – C. E. Keiser (1919).pdf
Personal names from cuneiform inscriptions of the Cassite Period Vol. 1 by A. T. Clay (1912).pdf
Personal narrative of travels in Babylonia, Assyria, Media, and Scythia, in the year 1824 – G. Albemarle (1827).pdf
Personal narrative of travels in Babylonia, Assyria, Media, and Scythia, in the year 1824 Vol. 1 – G. Albemarle (1827).pdf
Personal narrative of travels in Babylonia, Assyria, Media, and Scythia, in the year 1824 Vol. 2 – G. Albemarle (1827).pdf
Phoenician Origin of Britons, Scots & Anglo-Saxons – L. Waddell (1922).pdf
Primitive Semitic religion today – S. Curtiss (1902).pdf
Recent research in Bible lands, its progress and results – H. Hilprecht (1896).pdf
Recherches sur l’origine de l’écriture cunéiforme. 1re partie. Les formes archäiques et leurs équivalents modernes – F. Thureau-Dangin (1898).pdf
Records from Erech, time of Nabonidus (555-538 B.C.) by R. P. Dougherty (1920).pdf
Records from Ur and Larsa dated in the Larsa Dynasty Vol. 5 – E. M. Grice (1919).pdf
Records of the past – being English translations of the ancient monuments of Egypt and western Asia by A. H. Sayce Vol. 1 (1898).pdf
Records of the past – being English translations of the ancient monuments of Egypt and western Asia by A. H. Sayce Vol. 2 (1898).pdf
Records of the past – being English translations of the ancient monuments of Egypt and western Asia by A. H. Sayce Vol. 3 (1898).pdf
Records of the past – being English translations of the ancient monuments of Egypt and western Asia by A. H. Sayce Vol. 4 (1898).pdf
Records of the past – being English translations of the ancient monuments of Egypt and western Asia by A. H. Sayce Vol. 5 (1898).pdf
Records of the past – being English translations of the ancient monuments of Egypt and western Asia by A. H. Sayce Vol. 6 (1898).pdf
Records of the past – being English translations of the ancient monuments of Egypt and western Asia, by A. H. Sayce Vol. 1 (1873).pdf
Records of the past – being English translations of the ancient monuments of Egypt and western Asia, by A. H. Sayce Vol. 10 (1873).pdf
Records of the past – being English translations of the ancient monuments of Egypt and western Asia, by A. H. Sayce Vol. 11 (1873).pdf
Records of the past – being English translations of the ancient monuments of Egypt and western Asia, by A. H. Sayce Vol. 12 (1873).pdf
Records of the past – being English translations of the ancient monuments of Egypt and western Asia, by A. H. Sayce Vol. 2 (1873).pdf
Records of the past – being English translations of the ancient monuments of Egypt and western Asia, by A. H. Sayce Vol. 3 (1873).pdf
Records of the past – being English translations of the ancient monuments of Egypt and western Asia, by A. H. Sayce Vol. 4 (1873).pdf
Records of the past – being English translations of the ancient monuments of Egypt and western Asia, by A. H. Sayce Vol. 5 (1873).pdf
Records of the past – being English translations of the ancient monuments of Egypt and western Asia, by A. H. Sayce Vol. 6 (1873).pdf
Records of the past – being English translations of the ancient monuments of Egypt and western Asia, by A. H. Sayce Vol. 7 (1873).pdf
Records of the past – being English translations of the ancient monuments of Egypt and western Asia, by A. H. Sayce Vol. 8 (1873).pdf
Records of the past – being English translations of the ancient monuments of Egypt and western Asia, by A. H. Sayce Vol. 9 (1873).pdf
Records of the reign of Tukulti-Ninib I, King of Assyria, about B.C. 1275 Vol. 1 – L. King (1904).pdf
Records of the reign of Tukulti-Ninib I, King of Assyria, about B.C. 1275 Vol. 2 – L. King (1904).pdf
Reich und Kultur der Chetiter – E. Meyer (1914).pdf
Religious and moral ideas in Babylonia-Assyria by S. Mercer (1919).pdf
Remains of lost empires – sketches of the ruins of Palmyra, Nineveh, Babylon, and Persepolis – P. Myers (1875).pdf
Report on the Wolfe expedition to Babylonia, 1884-85 by W. H. Ward (1886).pdf
Researches in Assyrian and Babylonian geography by O. A. Toffteen (1908).pdf
Rise and Progress of Assyriology – E. A. Wallis Budge (1921).pdf
Rituels Accadiens – F. Thureau-Dangin (1921).pdf
Selected Babylonian business and legal documents of the Hammurabi period by A. Ungnad (1907).pdf
Selected Babylonian kudurru inscriptions by W. J. Hinke (1911).pdf
Selected business documents of the Neo-Babylonian period by A. Ungnad (1908).pdf
Selected temple accounts from Telloh, Yokha and Drehem; cuneiform tablets in the library of Princeton University by E. Chiera (1921).pdf
Selected temple accounts from Telloh, Yokha and Drehem; cuneiform tablets in the library of Princeton University by E. Chiera (1922).pdf
Selected temple accounts from Telloh, Yokha and Drehem; cuneiform tablets in the library of Princeton University by E. Chiera, 2nd Copy (1921).pdf
Selected temple documents of the Ur Dynasty by C. E. Keiser (1919).pdf
Sennacherib’s campaign in Syria, Phnicia, and Palestine according to his own annuals Assyrian text and English translation – H. G. Kieme (1875).pdf
Social life among the Babylonians and Assyrians by A. H. Sayce (1893).pdf
Some explanatory lists and grammatical texts – T. J. Meek (1920).pdf
Some Hittite and Mitannian Personal Names – D. Luckenbill (1910) (article).pdf
Some Hittite Seals – W. Ward (1894) (article).pdf
Some Sumerian-Babylonian hymns of the Berlin collection transcribed and interpreted, with collation of the original tablets – M. I. Hussey (1907).pdf
Some Sumerian-Babylonian hymns of the Berlin collection transcribed and interpreted, with collation of the original tablets by M. I. Hussy (1907).pdf
Specimen chapters of an Assyrian grammar – E. Hincks (1866).pdf
Spiritism and the cult of the dead in antiquity – L. Paton (1921).pdf
Spiritism and the cult of the dead in antiquity – L. Paton, 2nd Copy (1921).pdf
Sternkunde und Sterndienst in Babel. Assyriologische, astronomische und astralmythologische Untersuchungen Vols. 1 – F. Kugler (1907) [German].pdf
Sternkunde und Sterndienst in Babel. Assyriologische, astronomische und astralmythologische Untersuchungen Vols. 2 – F. Kugler (1907) [German].pdf
Sternkunde und Sterndienst in Babel. Assyriologische, astronomische und astralmythologische Untersuchungen Vols. 3 – F. Kugler (1907) [German].pdf
Sumerian and Babylonian psalms – S. Langdon (1909).pdf
Sumerian and Semitic religious and historical texts Vol. 1 by S. Langdon (1921).pdf
Sumerian grammar and chrestomathy by S. Langdon (1911).pdf
Sumerian hymns from Cuneiform texts in the British Museum, transliteration, translation and commentary by F. A. Vanderburgh (1908).pdf
Sumerian hymns from Cuneiform texts in the British Museum, transliteration, translation and commentary by F. A. Vanderburgh, 2nd Copy (1908).pdf
Sumerian Liturgical Texts by S. Langdon (1917).pdf
Sumerian Liturgies and Psalms by S. Langdon (1919).pdf
Sumerian Religious Texts by Edward Chiera (1924).pdf
Sumerian tablets from Umma in the John Rylands Library, Manchester by C. L. Bedale (1915).pdf
Sumerian tablets from Umma in the John Rylands Library, Manchester by C. L. Bedale, 2nd Copy (1915).pdf
Sumerian tablets from Umma in the John Rylands Library, Manchester by C. L. Bedale, 3rd Copy (1915).pdf
Sumerian tablets from Umma in the John Rylands Library, Manchester by C. L. Bedale, 4th Copy (1915).pdf
Sumerian tablets in the Harvard Semitic Museum, copied with introduction and index of names of persons Vol. 1 by M. I. Hussy (1912).pdf
Sumerian tablets in the Harvard Semitic Museum, copied with introduction and index of names of persons Vol. 2 by M. I. Hussy (1912).pdf
Sumerier und Semiten in Babylonien by E. Meyer (1906) [German].pdf
Sumerisch-akkadisch-hettitische Vokabularfragment – F. Delitzsch (1914).pdf
Sumerisch-babylonische Tamzlieder – H. Zimmern (1907).pdf
Sumerisches Glossar – F. Delitzsch (1914).pdf
Syllabaire cunéiforme – C. Fossey (1901).pdf
Syrian stone-lore, or, The monumental history of Palestine – C. Conder (1889).pdf
Tablets from the Archives of Drehem; a complete account of the origin of the Sumerian calendar, translation, and commentary by S. Langdon (1911).pdf
Tablets from the R. Campbell Thompson collection in Haskell Oriental Museum (1911).pdf
Tablets from the R. Campbell Thompson collection in Haskell Oriental Museum, 2nd Copy (1911).pdf
Tablettes sumériennes archaïques; matériaux pour servir à l’histoire de la société sumérienne – H. de Genouillac (1909).pdf
Tammuz and Ishtar a monograph upon Babylonian religion and theology by S. Langdon (1914).pdf
Tammuz and Ishtar a monograph upon Babylonian religion and theology by S. Langdon, 2nd Copy (1914).pdf
Texts in the Babylonian wedge-writing, autographed from the original documents; with a list of characters and their meanings – T. G. Pinches (1882).pdf
The Abu Habba cylinder of Nabuna’id, by Nabonidus, King of Babylonia, 6th cent. B.C (printed 1905).pdf
The Amherst tablets; being an account of the Babylonian inscriptions in the Collection of the Right Hon. Lord Amherst of Hackney – T. G. Pinches (1908).pdf
The ancient East by D. G. Hogarth (1914).pdf
The Annals of Ashurbanapal – R. Lau (1903).pdf
The Annals of Ashurbanapal – R. Lau, 2nd Copy (1903).pdf
The archæology of the cuneiform inscriptions – A. H. Sayce (1908).pdf
The archæology of the cuneiform inscriptions – A. Sayce (1908).pdf
The archæology of the cuneiform inscriptions – A. Sayce, 2nd Copy (1908).pdf
The Babylonian conception of heaven and hell by A. Jeremias (1902).pdf
The Babylonian conception of heaven and hell by A. Jeremias, 2nd Copy (1902).pdf
The Babylonian conception of heaven and hell by A. Jeremias, 3rd Copy (1902).pdf
The Babylonian epic of creation restored from the recently recovered tablets of Assur – S. Langdon (1923).pdf
The Babylonian Expedition of the University of Pennsylvania – Vol 1 (1904).pdf
The Babylonian Expedition of the University of Pennsylvania – Vol 1 Part 1 (1893).pdf