Origin/Historian/Author: Berossus
Source: The Sacred Books and Literature of the East, By Prof. Charles F. Horne, Ph.D.
The Sacred Books and Literature of the East Translations conducted by:
Morris Jastrow, Jr., LL.D., Rev. A.H. Sayce, LL.D., Robert W. Rogers, LL.D., George A. Barton, LL.D., Leonard W. King, F.S.A., Stephen Langdon, PH.D., Arno Poebel, PH.D., and other scholars.

Through the preserved fragments from the Hellenistic Era historians we present OF THE BABYLONIAN AND ASSYRIAN KINGS, picking up where The Creation and Causes of the Deluge left off. Originally authored by Berossus, the Priest of Bel (Lord)-Marduk, 250 B.C. This text gives a brief overview of the Bablyon, Median, Chaldean, and Arabian kings.

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In addition to the above, Polyhistor continues thus; After the deluge, says he, Evexius held possession of the country of the Chaldeans during a period of four neri. And he was succeeded by his son, Comosbelus, who held the empire four neri and five sossi. But, from the time of Xisuthrus (12) and the flood, to that period at which the Medes took possession of Babylon, there were altogether 86 kings. Polyhistor enumerates and mentions each of them by name, from the volume of Berosus; the duration of the reigns of all of which kings comprehends a period of 33,091 years. But, when their power was thus firmly established, the Medes suddenly levied forces against Babylon to surprise it, and to place upon the throne kings chosen from among themselves. He (Polyhistor) then gives the names of the Median kings, eight in number, who reigned during the period of 224 years; and, again, eleven kings during . . , (13) years. Then 49 kings of the Chaldeans, 458 years. Then nine kings of the Arabians, 245 years. After all these successive periods of years, he states that Semiramis reigned over the Assyrians. And again he minutely enumerates the names of 45 kings, assigning to them a term of 526 years. After whom, he says, there was a king of the Chaldeans whose name was Phulus, of whom also the historical writings of the Hebrews make mention under the name of Phulus (Pul), who, they say, invaded the country of the Jews.

—– Extracted from the Armenian Chronicon of Eusebius.

(12) Khasis-Adra.
(13) No number is given in the original text.