Origin/Historian/Author: Babylonian (ca. 1750 BCE)
Source: Sumerian Liturgical Texts, By Stephen Langdon, 1917

Full Text Below

I. Terrible form governor of valor,
2. Whose brilliant form shines up on all living things.
3. Because of his beneficence plenty is created.
4. Because of his radiant statue prosperity is made complete.
5. Over his transgressors he has been established.
6. Whose precious presence appeases the heart.
7. At whose repentance there is forgiveness.
8. Lofty one who to the assembly of kings renders decision.
9. Lord that knows fate.. . . . obedience.. . .
lo. Samsuiluna, the pure, the brilliant, . . . . . . the seer.
I I. My eyes. . . . . . . . . . .are lifted(?) to bestow life forever(?)8
12. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I will fill thee with rejoicing.
13. The land to obedience I will reduce for thee.
14. Samsuiluna thy champion am I, who enriches the land.
15. I am thy strong prince the pious; watchful care I exercise.
16. Who at the head of kingship joyously has been placed.
17. For the kingship of the Land with a good fate he has been destined.
18. Lions as protecting spirits he dedicated.
19. Their loftiness to make fearful,
20. The transgressors to reduce to obedience,
21. lnnini with a true arm established.
22. At their left Sarnsuiluna has been placed.
23. Their holy praise, their fear,
24. They. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
25. The transgressor in obedience they will cause to live (dwell).
26. They are the propitious spirits of the queen of heaven.
27. A group of lions, object of adoration of Samsuiluna, are they.
28. Your transgressors ye destroy.
29. Song and praise I restrain not.
30. Humiliation I will recite unto you.

Edge. The hymn to the protecting statue(s) which has (have) been set up is not finished.