Origin/Historian/Author: Isin (ca. 1850 BCE)
Source: Sumerian Liturgical Texts, By Stephen Langdon, 1917

Full Text Below

1. Lilazag[1], of the house of exalted seed, the holy man, named by a good name.
2. Whose heart is ….. ; the king ….. ; the king who makes glad the soul.
3. “The Temple of Wisdom” in the clean city with lapis lazuli he made splendid.
4. The far away land he subdues, having recounted unto them the observance of laws and decrees.
5. The ….. , merciful prince of the Land; the ….. of the foreign lands.
6. The great ….. of the dark headed people; who declares the fate of his city.
7. First born son of the holy goddess, the woman, mother Bau.
8. As to a temple in the holy city, the clean city, a temple he founded.
9. A ….. chapel he made.
10. Eight temples of Bau


[1] Or if these syllables are simply an epithet we may translate “the holy wind,” a reference, to the divine spirit of the deified king.