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The heathen religion in its popular and symbolical development – J. B. Gross (1856).pdf
The history of the supernatural in all ages and nations and in all churches, Christian and pagan Vol. 1 – E. Howitt (1863).pdf
The history of the supernatural in all ages and nations and in all churches, Christian and pagan Vol. 2 – E. Howitt (1863).pdf
The image of the Cross and Lights on the Altar, in the Christian Church, and in heathen temples before the Christian era – B. H. Dixon (1879).pdf
The industrial arts of Scandinavia in the pagan time – H. Hildebrand (1883).pdf
The light of Britannia. The mysteries of ancient British druidism unveiled – O. Morgan (1893).pdf
The magic of jewels and charms – G. F. Kunz (1915).pdf
The Moki snake dance – a popular account of that unparalleled dramatic pagan ceremony of the Pueblo Indians of Tusayan, Arizona – W. Hough (1899).pdf
The mysteries, pagan and Christian by S. Cheetham (1897).pdf
The mythology of the British Islands – C. Squire (1905).pdf
The oriental religions in Roman paganism – F. Cumont (1911).pdf
The origin of pagan idolatry ascertained from historical testimony and circumstantial evidence Vol. 1 – G. S. Faber (1816).pdf
The origin of pagan idolatry ascertained from historical testimony and circumstantial evidence Vol. 2 – G. S. Faber (1816).pdf
The origin of pagan idolatry ascertained from historical testimony and circumstantial evidence Vol. 3 – G. S. Faber (1816).pdf
The Pagan Review No. 1 (1892).pdf
The pagan tribes of Borneo Vol. 1 – C. Hose (1912).pdf
The pagan tribes of Borneo Vol. 2 – C. Hose (1912).pdf
The Pantheon or, fabulous history of the heathen gods, goddesses, heroes, etc. 10th Edition – S. Boyse (1809).pdf
The Pantheon or, Fabulous history of the heathen gods, goddesses, heroes, etc. 7th Edition – S. Boyse (1792).pdf
The poem-book of Gael. Translations from Irish Gaelic poetry into English prose and verse – E. Hull (1912).pdf
The price of peace – S. Jarvis (1921).pdf
The religion of ancient Britain, historically considered – G. Smith (1846).pdf
The religion of Plutarch, a pagan creed of apostolic times – J. Oakesmith (1902).pdf
The religion of the Northmen – R. Keyser (1854).pdf
The reliquary and illustrated archæologist – a quarterly journal and review devoted to the study of the early pagan and Christian antiquities of Great Britain Vol. 1 (1895).pdf
The reliquary and illustrated archæologist – a quarterly journal and review devoted to the study of the early pagan and Christian antiquities of Great Britain Vol. 10 (1904).pdf
The reliquary and illustrated archæologist – a quarterly journal and review devoted to the study of the early pagan and Christian antiquities of Great Britain Vol. 11 (1905).pdf
The reliquary and illustrated archæologist – a quarterly journal and review devoted to the study of the early pagan and Christian antiquities of Great Britain Vol. 12 (1906).pdf
The reliquary and illustrated archæologist – a quarterly journal and review devoted to the study of the early pagan and Christian antiquities of Great Britain Vol. 13 (1907).pdf
The reliquary and illustrated archæologist – a quarterly journal and review devoted to the study of the early pagan and Christian antiquities of Great Britain Vol. 14 (1908).pdf
The reliquary and illustrated archæologist – a quarterly journal and review devoted to the study of the early pagan and Christian antiquities of Great Britain Vol. 4 (1898).pdf
The reliquary and illustrated archæologist – a quarterly journal and review devoted to the study of the early pagan and Christian antiquities of Great Britain Vol. 9 (1903).pdf
The rollright stones; the stonehenge of Oxfordshire; with some account of the ancient druids and sagas rendered into English – H. Taunt (188-).pdf
The Roots Of Ritualism In Church And Masonry – H P Blavatsky (1889) (Typed not scanned).pdf
The sacred scriptures and pagan mythology – G. Burrowes (1851).pdf
The Scripture history of idolatry, showing the connexion between the traditions of pagan mythology and the Bible – J. F. Berg (1838).pdf
The two Babylons, or, The papal worship proved to be the worship of Nimrod and his wife – A. Hislop (1903).pdf
The veil of Isis, or, Mysteries of the Druids – W. W. Reade (18–).pdf
The worship of the dead; or, The origin and nature of pagan idolatry – J. Garnier (1909).pdf
What the world believes, the false and the true, embracing the people of all races and nations, their peculiar teachings, rites, ceremonies, from the earliest pagan times – A. L. Rawson (1886).pdf