Origin/Historian/Author: Babylonian (ca 1700 BCE)
Source: The Sacred Books and Literature of the East, By Prof. Charles F. Horne, Ph.D.
The Sacred Books and Literature of the East Translations conducted by:
Morris Jastrow, Jr., LL.D., Rev. A.H. Sayce, LL.D., Robert W. Rogers, LL.D., George A. Barton, LL.D., Leonard W. King, F.S.A., Stephen Langdon, PH.D., Arno Poebel, PH.D., and other scholars.

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This shalt thou do … a green bough shalt thou sprinkle with pure water; four bricks from a ruin (9) shalt thou set in place;
a lamb shalt thou take; with sarbatu-wood shalt thou fill the censer, and thou shalt set fire thereto; sweet scented woods, some upuntu-plant and some cypresswood
shalt thou heap up; a drink-offering shalt thou offer, but thou shalt not bow thyself down. This incantation before the goddess Ishtar
three times shalt thou recite, . . . and thou shalt not look behind thee.
” O exalted Ishtar, that givest light unto the four quarters of the world! ” (10)
This copy from Borsippa, made like unto its original, hath Nergal-balatsu-ikbi, the son of Atarad-kalme, the magician,
written for the preservation of his life, and he hath revised it, and hath deposited it within the temple of E-sagila.

(9) In the four bricks, which, if the suggested rendering is correct, are here directed to be brought from a ruin, we may perhaps see a symbolical offering to Ishtar in her character of the goddess of battle and destruction.
(10) This line gives the catch-line for the next tablet.