Origin/Historian/Author: Sumer, Ur (ca. 1750 BCE)
Source: Ur Excavations Royal Inscriptions, By C. J. Gadd and Leon Legrain, 1928
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(1) For Ilabrat (2) lord, true messenger of Anu (3) who holds the sacred powers (?) (4) conspicuous …. of the gods (5) endowed with command, wise, (6) contenting and rejoicing the heart of Inanna (7) loving (to grant) prayer (8) his lord: (9) Rim-Sin (10) the mighty man (11) the shepherd who prays for Nippur, (12) nourisher of Ur (13) who reverences E-barra (14) who performs the rites of Eridu (15) who cares for Girsu and Lagash (16) who builds anew the temples of the gods (17) king of Larsa (18) king of Sumer and Akkad; (19) when the host’of Erech, (20) Isin (21) Babylon (22) Rapiqum (23) and Sutium (24) he smote (with) arms (25) and in that action (26) he captured Warad-ne-ne, king of Erech, (27) and brought his head and feet together like a snake, (29) at that time the ” House which befits its lord” (30) his beloved dwelling (32) he built (31) for his own life. (33) To a greater (size) than in former days (34) he enlarged its area (?) (35) he raised its head (36) and mightily he ….
(1) For Nannar (2) great lord conspicuous in splendour (3) glorious in heaven and earth (4) strong one, whose wide-cast eye kindles its brightness (5) making light over all the land [or, people] (6) prince …. whose power is strong to destroy (7) whose decree is pure (8) the …. son of the ” great mountain ” Enlil (9) the prince who loves E-kur (10) for his king; (11) Rim-Sin (12) shepherd of all the land (and) the territory (?) of Nippur (13) nourisher of Ur (14) who cares for (15) Girsu and Lagash (?) (16) who executes the rites and ceremonies of Eridu (17) who reverences E-barra (18) king of Larsa (19) king of Sumer and Akkad (20, 21) who repairs the temples of the gods (22, 23) who mightily executes the holy ceremonies and purifications (24, 25) daily making prayer and supplication, (29) he built (28) for his own life (26) E-ginabtu the holy (house) of Nannar (27) a dwelling for him to rest in. (30) More than in former days (31) he enlarged its area (?), (32) he raised its head (33) and mightily he …. it.
(1) For Ninsianna (2) whose city(?) in the clear heavens is of gypsum (3) whose radiance is conspicuous (4) who from on high strikes the door of the ” great dwelling ” (?) (5) whose word is gracious, (6) the lord whose rain from his (heavenly) station is heavy (?) (7) foremost of the gods (8) leader who holds the …. (9) …. (10) pure and exalted judge (11) who smites wickedness and lying (12) long-suffering god to the man who fears him (13) protecting lamassu …. (14, 15) he that makes life long; (16) for my king: (17) Rim-Sin (18) the mighty man (19, 20) he that increases the provision in the temple of Nippur, (21) who executes the rites and ceremonies of Eridu (22) the true nourisher of Ur (23) who is reverent in E-barra (24) king of Larsa, (25) Erech, and Isin, (26) king of Sumer and Akkad am I. (27) When Ninsianna (28, 29) had delivered all my enemies into my hand, (30) for this (thing) (31) to Ninsianna my king (32) in my religious zeal (?) (36) I built in a clean place (33) E-eshbar-zida (34) (a temple) befitting his godhead (35) a dwelling of pleasure to his heart. (37) On (?) the door . . . . (?) (38) the ornament (?) of the temple (39) for days far off (40) I inscribed my name.
(1) For Nergal, the exalted lord (2) who has exceeding strength (3) who bears awe and splendour (4) leader, who judges with destructive hand the country of all the enemy (5) who wrathfully overthrows the hostile land, (6) for his god; (7) Rim-Sin (8) the prince who reverences Nippur (9) nourisher of Ur (10) king of Larsa (11) king of Sumer and Akkad (19) has built, for days to come, (15) on behalf of his own life (16) and the life (17) of Kudur-Mabug (18) the father who begat him, (12) E-erim-kukud (13) the dwelling of his (the god’s) warlike might, (I4) which had been adorned for him to dwell in. (20) Upon this (21) may Nergal (22) the god who created him (23) look with favour. (24) On the battlefield (25) at his right hand (26) may he go with him, (27, 28) may his hand seize the country that is hostile to him.
(1) For Tammuz (2) lord of young cattle (3) beloved husband of Inanna (4) shepherd of the broad plains (5) bringer of plenty, (6) his king: (7) Rim-Sin (8) the man who reverences Nippur (9) nourisher of Ur (10) king of Larsa (11) king of Sumer and Akkad, (15) for his own life (16) and for the life of (17) Kudur-Mabug (18) his father who begat him, (19) has built, unto days far off, (12) his temple Ka-li-sud (13) his beloved dwelling-place (14) meet for him to dwell in. (20) Over this (21) may Tammuz, his king, (22) rejoice. (23) In byre and fold (24) may he multiply the oxen and sheep.