Origin/Historian/Author: Babylonian
Source: Babylonian Magic and Sorcery, L. W. King, 1896

This Babylonian prayer was composed on a single clay tablet and dedicated to the goddesses Damkina and Bau. Its primary function was to be used by a head of household, parent, or any individual who oversees another in any capacity. This prayer forces the subject to acknowledge all hardships experienced are due to Marduk’s disposition towards their actions. By reciting this prayer, the subject elevated the gods, while humbling themselves and asking both Damkina and Bau to pacify Marduk’s rage.

This text does contain a small amount of genealogical and relational data regarding the gods, such as a number of epithets, traits, or qualities associated with the mentioned deities. Damkina, or sometimes referred to as Damgalnuna, is described here as the wife of Ea, the mighty queen of the gods, and a lady of heaven and earth. Bau, or sometimes referred to as Baba, is described as a merciful and mighty lady who dwells in the heavens.

Full Text Below

(To Damkina)

9. O Damkina, mighty queen of all the gods.
10. O wife of Ea, valiant art thou!
11. IR.NI.NA mighty queen of all the gods; wife of Ea valiant art thou!
12. Thou art great among the gods, mighty is thy command.
13. O thou that ….. the Anunnaki, that knowest the Igigi,
14. O lady of the Abyss, strong one of ….. ,
15. Thou that ….. Ea, thou that dwellest in the Abyss, O lady of heaven and earth!
16. I so and so, son of so and so, am weak …..
17. In the evil of an eclipse of the Moon, which in such and such month on such and such day has taken place,
18. In the evil of the powers, of the portents, evil and not good,
19. Which are in my palace and my land, terrible disease …..

(To Ba’u)

24. O Ba’u, mighty lady that dwellest in the bright heavens,
25. O merciful goddess, the bestower of …..
26. Whose regard is prosperity, whose word is peace!
27. I beseech thee, lady, stand and hearken to my cries!
28. ….. give judgment, make decision ….. ,
29. I have turned to thee, I have sought thee, thy ulinnu have I grasped like the ulinnu of my god and my goddess!
30. Give my judgment, make my decisions, ….. my path,
31. Since thou knowest to protect, to benefit, to save,
32. Since to raise to life, to give prosperity rests with thee!
33. O lady ….. tears I have given thee, thy name have I …..
34. ….. my ears, do thou protect me and let me ….. thy divinity!
35. The raising of my hand accept and take away my sighing!
36. Let me send thee unto my angry god, unto my goddess who is angry,
37. Unto Marduk, the god of my city who is incensed, whose heart is enraged (?) with me!
38. In the dream and the vision which …..
39. In the evil of an eclipse of the Moon which in such and such month on such and such day has taken place,
40. In the evil of the powers, of the portents, evil and not good
41. Which are in my palace and my land,
42. I am afraid, I tremble and I am cast down in fear!
43. At the word of thy exalted command which ….. in Ekur
44. And thy sure mercy which changeth not,
45. Let my wrathful god return, let my angry goddess …..
46. Let Marduk the god of my city who is enraged …..
47. ….. O Ba’u, mighty lady, mother …..