The Occult PDF Library


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Psychical miscellanea, being papers on psychical research, telepathy, hypnotism, Christian science, etc. – J. A. Hill (1920).pdf
Psychical phenomena and the war – H. Carrington (1918).pdf
Psychical research – W. Barrett (1911).pdf
Psychical research and survival – J. H. Hyslop (1913).pdf
Psychical research and the Resurrection – J. H. Hyslop (1908).pdf
Psychical research for the plain man – S. M. Kingford (1920).pdf
Psychical science and Christianity, a problem of the XXth century – E. K. Bates (1909).pdf
Psychics – facts and theories – M. J. Savage (1893).pdf
Psychism; analysis of things existing – P. Gibier (1899).pdf
Psychology and psychic culture – R. P. Halleck (1895).pdf
Psychology as a natural science applied to the solution of occult psychic phenomena – C. G. Raue (1889).pdf
Psychomancy – spirit-rappings and table-tippings exposed – C. G. Page (1853).pdf
Psychometry – its science and law of unfoldment – J. C. Grumbine (1898).pdf
Psychometry and thought-transference, with practical hints for experiments – H. S. Olcott (1887).pdf
Quinta essentia, das ist, Die höchste Subtilitet, Krafft vnd Wirckung – L. Thurneisser zum Thurn (1574).pdf
Raymundi Lulli doctissimi et celeberrimi philosophi De secretis naturae, seu De quinta essentia liber vnus – R. Llull (1567).pdf
Remarks upon alchemy and the alchemists – indicating a method of discovering the true nature of hermetic philosophy by E. A. Hitchcock (1857).pdf
Résumé d’une histoire de la matière depuis les philosophes grècs jusqu’a Lavoisier inclusivement – M. E. Chevreul (1878).pdf
Revelations – mental telepathy, thought transference, mind reading, second sight, hypnotism etc., etc., how it is done, and how to do it – The Wardmaster (1925).pdf
Second sight, or, Deuteroscopia – W. Brown (1876).pdf
Seeing the Invisible – Practical Studies in Psychometry, Thought Transference, Telepathy, and Allied Phenomena – J. Coates (1906).pdf
Sinceri Renati Sämtliche Philosophisch- und Chymische Schrifften – S. Richter (1741).pdf
Siris – a chain of philosophical reflexions and inquiries concerning the virtues of tar water, and divers other subjects connected together and arising one from another – G. Berkeley (1747).pdf
Sorcellerie, magnétisme, morphinisme, délire des grandeurs – P. Regnard (1887).pdf
Spiritism, hypnotism and telepathy as involved in the case of Mrs. Leonora E. Piper and the Society of psychical research – C. Bell (1902).pdf
Splendor solis – alchemical treatises of Solomon Trismosin (1920).pdf
Studies in psychical research – F. Podmore (1897).pdf
Studies in the out-lying fields of psychic science – H. Tuttle (1889).pdf
Swedenborg, a hermetic philosopher – being a sequel to Remarks on alchemy and the alchemists – E. A. Hitchcock (1858).pdf
Symbola avreae mensae dvodecim nationvm – M. Maier (1617).pdf
Telepathy – J. C. F. Grumbine (1910).pdf
Telepathy – W. Carington (1945).pdf
Telepathy and the subliminal self – an account of recent investigations regarding hypnotism, automatism, dreams, phantasms, and related phenomena – R. O. Mason (1897).pdf
Telepathy With Cards – E. Ward (1910).pdf
Telepathy, genuine and fraudulent – W. W. Baggally (1918).pdf
The alchemical writings of Edward Kelly – E. Kelly (1893).pdf
The arcane formulas or mental alchemy – W. W. Atkinson (1909).pdf
The book of quinte essence or the fifth being; that is to say, man’s heaven by F. J. Furnivall (1889).pdf
The book of the magi – F. Barrett (1896).pdf
The coming science – H. Carrington (1901).pdf
The cosmic relations and immortality Vol. 1 – H. Holt (1919).pdf
The cosmic relations and immortality Vol. 2 – H. Holt (1919).pdf
The dual mind – H. L. Page (1909).pdf
The evolution of the soul, and other essays – T. J. Hudson (1904).pdf
The first four outline lessons in first book of telepathy – S. A. Gaylor (1892).pdf
The follies of science at the court of Rudolph II, 1576-1612 by H. C. Bolton (1904).pdf
The harmony of the world by J. Heydon (1662).pdf
The hermetic and alchemical writings of Aureolus Philippus Theophrastus Bombast, of Hohenheim, called Paracelsus the Great Vol. 1 (1894).pdf
The hermetic and alchemical writings of Aureolus Philippus Theophrastus Bombast, of Hohenheim, called Paracelsus the Great Vol. 2 (1894).pdf
The Hermetic Museum by E. A. Waite (1893).pdf
The hermetical triumph, or, The victorious philosophical stone – a treatise concerning the hermetical magistery – A. T. Limojon de Saint-Didier (1745).pdf
The last vvill and testament of Basil Valentine, monke of the order of St. Bennet (1671).pdf
The law of psychic phenomena, a working hypothesis for the systematic study of hypnotism, spiritism, mental therapeutics, etc. – T. J. Hudson (1902).pdf
The lives of alchemystical philosophers by F. Barrett (1815).pdf
The magus, or, Celestial intelligencer – F. Barrett (1801).pdf
The marvels beyond science – being a record of progress made in the reduction of occult phenomena to a scientific basis – J. Grasset (1910).pdf
The Message of Aquaria by H. A. Curtiss (1921).pdf
The mind telegraph; a treatise on the telepathic influence of the human will – J. B. Stay (1901).pdf
The mirror of alchimy by R. Bacon (1597).pdf
The mystery and romance of alchemy and pharmacy by C. J. S. Thompson (1897).pdf
The new pearl of great price. A treatise concerning the treasure and most precious stone of the philosophers by P. A. Boni (1894).pdf
The occult sciences the philosophy of magic, prodigies, and apparent miracles Vol. 1 – E. Salverte (1847).pdf
The occult sciences the philosophy of magic, prodigies, and apparent miracles Vol. 2 – E. Salverte (1847).pdf
The open vision – a study of psychic phenomena – H. W. Dresser (1920).pdf
The Perfect Course Of Instruction In Hypnotism, Mesmerism, Clairvoyance, Suggestive Therapeutics And The Sleep Cure – Masters of the Science (1900).pdf
The philosophical epitaph of W.C. Esquire, for a memento mori on his tomb-stone … Also, A brief of the golden calf (the worlds idol) – W. Cooper (1675).pdf
The philosophy of mystery – W. C. Dendy (1841).pdf
The problems of psychical research; experiments and theories in the realm of the supernormal – H. Carrington (1921).pdf
The psychic and psychism – A. C. Halphide (1901).pdf
The psychic riddle – I. K. Funk (1907).pdf
The Rasārnạvam, or The ocean of mercury and other metals and minerals – P. Ray (1910).pdf
The reality of psychic phenomena – raps, levitations, etc. – W. J. Crawford (1919).pdf
The secrets of the reverend Maister Alexis of Piemont by G. Ruscelli (1595).pdf
The shadow world – H. Garland (1908).pdf
The soul of things, or, Psychometric researches and discoveries – W. Denton (1866).pdf
The story of alchemy and the beginnings of chemistry – M. M. P. Muir (1902).pdf
The study of trance, muscle-reading and allied phenomena in Europe and America – G. M. Beard (1882).pdf
The tongue of time, and star of the states a system of human nature, with the phenomena of the heavens and earth – J. Comstock (1838).pdf
The Turba philosophorum, or assembly of the sagas; called also the book of truth in the art and the third Pythagorical synod by E. A. Waite (1896).pdf
The use of clairvoyance in medicine – J. Mill (1857).pdf
The way to bliss – in three books – E. Ashmole (1658).pdf
The widow’s mite and other psychic phenomena – I. K. Funk (1904).pdf
The wise-mans crown, or, The glory of the rosie-cross – shewing the wonderful power of nature, with the full discovery of the true coelum terrae, or first matter of metals by J. Heydon (1664).pdf
The wonders of thought force – Royal College of Surgeons of England (1902).pdf
The works of the highly experienced and famous chymist, John Rudolph Glauber – containing, great variety of choice secrets in medicine and alchymy by J. R. Glauber (1689).pdf
Theatrvm chemicvm britannicum – containing severall poeticall pieces of our famous English philosopher by E. Ashmole (1652).pdf
Theodori Kerckringii doctoris medici Commentarius in Currum triumphalem antimonii Basilii Valentini – à se Latinitate donatum – V. Basilius (1671).pdf
Théories & symboles des alchimistes – le grand-oeuvre suivi d’un essai sur la bibliographie alchimique due XIXe sìecle – A. Poisson (1891).pdf
Thesaurus incantatus – A. Machen (1888).pdf
Thesaurus incantatus – the enchanted treasure, or, the spagyric quest of Beroaldus Cosmopolita, in which is sophically and mystagorically declared the first matter of the stone by A. Machen (1888).pdf
Thought transference; a critical and historical review of the evidence for telepathy – N. W. Thomas (1905).pdf
Thoughts on things psychic – W. W. Kenilworth (1911).pdf
Tractatus de natura salium – J. R. Glauber (1659).pdf
Traicté de la natvre de l’oevf des philosophes – Bernard of Trevisan (1659).pdf
Trevisanvs, De chymico miracvlo, qvod lapidem philosophiae appellant – Bernard of Trevisan (1583).pdf
Trois traitez de la philosophie natvrelle – P. Arnauld (1612).pdf
Truths concerning communication and thought transmission – M. B. Sherrill (1913).pdf
Unversehenes praecipitatvm dess Ost-Indischen Mercvrii, oder, Aller irrgehenden Philosophen, und des Goldmachenden-Steins Begierigen Alchymisten plötzlicher Tod – J. Keysers (1681).pdf
Varieties of psychism – J. Wedgwood (1914).pdf
Verae alchemiae artis’qve metallicae citra aenigmata, doctrina, certvs’qve modus, scriptis tum nouis tum ueteribus nunc primùm & fideliter maiori ex parte editis, comprehensus – A. Richardus (1561).pdf

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