The Occult PDF Library

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Voarchadvmia contra alchi’miam – G. A. Pantheo (1530).pdf
Warhafter Bericht vom philosophischen Athanor, und dessen Gebrauch und Nutzen – H. Khunrath (1783).pdf
Wasserstein der Weisen, oder, Chymisches Tractätlein – J. Siebmacher (1743).pdf
What is instinct Some thoughts on telepathy and subconsciousness in animals – C. B. Newland (1906).pdf
Works of Geber by Robert J Holmyrad.pdf
Works of Thomas Vaughan – Eugenius Philalethes by T. Vaughan (1919).pdf
Your mind and how to use it, a manual of practical psychology – W. W. Atkinson (1911).pdf
Your psychic powers and how to develop them – H. Carrington (1920).pdf

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