Origin/Historian/Author: Sumer, Ur (ca. 1800 BCE)
Source: Ur Excavations Royal Inscriptions, By C. J. Gadd and Leon Legrain, 1928
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(1) For Ningal (2) the pure bride (3) of Namrasit (4) his beloved lady (5) Nur-Adad (6) the mighty man, (7) nourisher of Ur, (8) king of Larsa, (9) the keeper (10) of the shrine of Ebabbar, (1I) the warrior whom the sungod (12) in his pure heart (13) truly (14) has elected,
(15) granted the scepter (16) by Nannar, (17) subduer of the land (18) by (will of) the sun-god, (19) called with a good name (20) by Adad (2I) the warrior (22) who walks reverently. (24) When he rejoiced the heart (23) of Ur, (25-26) and expelled the evil Na’id-Shamash, (27) and of the throne (28) of Larsa
(29-30) he established its foundation, (31-32) and brought back the people to subjection, (33) E-nun-ku, (34) her residence, (35) where rests the side (36) of the warrior Sin, (37) for his own life (38) he built. (39) Of E-nun, the old fabric, (40) he restored its place.