Origin/Historian/Author: Middle Babylonian
Source: Cuneiform Parallels to the Old Testament, Robert William Rogers
Full Text Below
2. Marduk [ . . .
3. Warrior [ . . .
4. Marduk, your name [ . . .
5. Strongest of his brothers in . [ . . .
6. Marduk, strongest of the Igigi [ . . .
7. He made the country appear, brought forth [plants],
8. He continually satisfies Uraš, the mighty [ . . .
9. Formed of the blood of the foe . [ . . .
10. The plant-life of Ningirsu, who . . [ . . ] the earth.
11. The Igigi your lordship, [( . .)] are heaped up,
12. Uraš brings into it ⟨the produce⟩ of his farming.
13. The distant fishes kept turning to Marduk,
14. Bearing the treasure of the Apsû for Enlil.
15. The farmer of the meadows, the fierce Uraš,
16. Considered Marduk, son of the Apsû, in his mind,
17. Uraš, head of the foes, the primeval, his father,
18. Exalted his (Marduk’s) destiny in front of Dagan and Ninurta.
19. Marduk surveyed in Ekur the wicked enemy,
20. Offspring of a sorceress, at their judgment, at the command of Enlil
21. (Saying), “Mankind will revere your (pl.) greatness,
22. . . . ] your [ . . ] is upon the world.”
23. . . . of ] Nippur, heir of Enlil
24. . . . .] your [name] Enlilbanda
25. . . . ] . in Kiš Zababa
26. (traces)
1. verse 1 [Ningi]rsu in the Apsû [ …
2. Enbilulu in a dry land [ .. . ] your name,
3. At the command of Nudimmud [ . . ] became luxuriant,
4. We called your name Asalluḫi in Sumerian.
(or, Let us call your name Asalluḫi in Sumer.)
5. Everywhere Panigingarra appointed (him) as king,
6. Tutu among the gods, lord of abundance,
7. Farmer, the drinking place, creator of [ . . . . ] lord of the work-song.
8. You made manifest . . [ . . . . . . . . . . ] . . your heroism.
9. Farmer of the festival [ . . .
10. Of the warrior [ …
11. The circle . . [ …
12. To the son of . [ …
13. Uraš . [ …
14. In Babylon [ …
15. He called . [ …
16. He gave you [ …
17. Who in Esagil (?) [ …
18. To Marduk [ …
19. Eibianna (?) [ …
20. Flesh/Oracle . [ …
21. Plunderer of Tiāmat (?) [ …
22. The Araḫtu canal [ …
23. After . [ …
24. To the king, the favorite of [ …
25. At your name/command { ..