Origin/Historian/Author: Neo-Sumerian (ca. 2000)
Source: Sumerian Liturgical Texts, By Stephen Langdon, 1917

This Neo-Sumerian to Akkadian era text features the goddess Innini, otherwise known as Inanna. Some scholars conclude the term Inanna to be a title meaning “Lady of Heaven.” As a title held by numerous deities, determining which of the Inannas referenced here proves to be very difficult. Not enough information is available in this text to confidently determine her exact identity. A likely candidate however is perhaps Nungal, the daughter of Anu and Ereshkigal.

Full Text Below

1. As for the temple destroyed how long until it be restored to its place?
2. Heavenly virgin, divine queen of heaven, as for, etc.
3. She that shatters the mountains, queen of E-anna, as for, etc.
4. The temple which had been built like a dream, how long, etc.?
5. The city which had been built like a dream how long, etc.?
6. The temple which was made wealthy like a stall and a sheepfold, how long, etc.?
7. Which like the flocks and sheepfolds was made wealthy, how long, etc.?
8. Which the engraver carved as a vase, how long, etc.?
9. Which the jeweler worked like a stone.
10. In whose gate is the place of admiration, how long, etc.?
11. The assembling place of the people, how long, etc.?
12. The house of convocation of the lands, how long, etc.?
13. It hastened, unto the foreign land, yea hastened.
14. It perished, yea unto the foreign land perished.
15. The good wife unto the foreign land was taken.
16. The good child unto the foreign land was taken.
17. Its great festivals are not executed.
18. Its great rituals in the temple are withheld.
19. Its decrees which guide are placed in disuse.
20. Its rites are annulled, its store is diverted.
21. Of the faithful temple, its store the plunderer has decimated.
22. In the faithful temple darkness is and lo! it is turned over to the wind.
23. Their psalmists shall sing.